At Covenant Community Church, our goal is to produce a worship experience that is deeply meaningful, spiritual, biblical, and relevant to your everyday life. From the moment you turn into the parking lot we strive to create a welcoming, caring environment where God’s presence becomes real.
If you are unable to join us in person, we are Live Streaming our 10:30am service via YouTube Live.
We worship God with upbeat, relevant music, presenting the timeless message of Jesus Christ in a clear and fresh way; lyrics that are deep in meaning yet easy to understand. We worship through songs played with guitar, piano, drums, and various other instruments.
Each week, you will be challenged to grow in your understanding of God and God's work in the world as we collectively explore the ancient wisdom that is found in the sacred texts of the Christian faith. Our lead pastors will guide us on this journey and offer practical suggestions for how we can translate this ancient wisdom into our contemporary contexts.
Our hope each week is that God will speak to you in a very personal way. Following the message we provide several tangible opportunities for you to respond to what God is saying. These include pinning a burden or prayer to one of the crosses or lighting a candle for a loved one. You’re welcome to come kneel and pray and we also have folks who would love to pray with you. We share Holy Communion every Sunday. Communion is open to anyone who seeks forgiveness and God’s grace in Jesus Christ.
More information about Sundays is available on our About Sundays page.