Connect Day is our Fall kick-off event where the following things happen:
Covenant Kids & OnRamp Small Group Promotion - 9:00AM & 10:30AM - All ages and grades (K-6th) will move up to their new small group and meet their small group leaders for the year!
GroupLink - 12:00PM - If you are interested in joining a small group, we would love to invite you to stick around after second service for GroupLink. We will be set up right by the entrance to the church. Please register if you plan to attend GroupLink to join a group or are a current small group who wants to expand.
Registration for Those Joining a Group
Registration for Current Groups Who Want to Expand
Small Group Kick-off - 12:30PM - After GroupLink, we will be having our Small Group Kick-Off. Come hungry for some great food and festivities. Childcare will be provided.
Covenant Students Kick-off- 6:00PM - We are starting this year off in color! Come at 6:00PM ready for a color war! We will have t-shirts there for you but be sure to wear clothes you don't mind getting a little more colorful! We will finish up at 8:00PM.