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Welcome to Faith@Home.  We are so glad you decided to participate in this experience.  Whether you are meeting as a small group, or as a family or with friends, we hope this is a time for you to connect with God and with each other.

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Family Resources for families with younger children.


What You Need: Bible, Faith@Home website or DVD, Openness to God

Ask: Who is willing to read a few verses out loud from the Bible?

Prayer:  Have someone pray to invite God to be with you during this time.

Conversation Starters:

  • What was your favorite part of Christmas this year?  What was your favorite gift to give and receive?

  • If someone asked you to describe yourself with three positive adjectives, what would they be?  In other words, finish the sentence about yourself “I am ____________, _____________ and _____________.

  • Do the people who know you best agree?  What would they change?

  • What are 3 positive adjectives you would use to describe Jesus?


Prayer: Thank God for Jesus and for the Holy Spirit and some things you/the group are thankful for as you prepare to worship together.

Music: Play Music Video 1 and sing along with our worship team.

The Story: We will be looking at the Seven “I Am” statements of Jesus found in the gospel of John.  Before opening the Bible, can you name any of them?

To prepare, designate one of these sections to those people willing to read.

Read John 6:32-36, John 8:12, John 10:7-16, John11:17-27, John14:1-7, John 15:1-8.

Message: Play the Message Video.


  1. Which “I Am” statement is your favorite and why?

  2. Why is Jesus so confident in what He claims about Himself?

  3. What is the complete picture Jesus is making when you think about all of these statements together?

  4. Which one of these did you need to hear the most?

  5. How can this group pray for you?

Prayer:  Take time to hear each other’s praises and requests and pray for them.

Music: Play Music Video 2 and sing along with our worship team.

Offering: This is an excellent time for those of you who are parents of younger children to talk about why you give to the church.  In Second Corinthians 9:7 Paul writes “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”  You can put the offering in an envelope and bring it to the church during the week or for the first of January.  You can also mail it in or give online.

Closing: Play the Closing Video.

Closing Prayer:

God we are thankful for who you are and for all the ways you have blessed us. Let us never forget to be thankful for you, the one from whom all blessings flow, and not just the blessings themselves. Remind us of the joy of your salvation and the joy of giving. Help us be people who live out the Christmas story everyday by representing Jesus who is our great “I AM” as we approach the New Year.  Make us awake to the presence of the Holy Spirit and open to the ways in which you will show up in our lives.  We pray in the name of Emmanuel: Jesus Christ, Amen.